Educational Value of Blog

When we talk about blog, it is have many advantages.  For  online marketing, try our creativity, education, or just as diary blog. Blog like as a white book that we can write whatever what we want write. We can give design, colour so that people who look our blog interested.
What about blog education? Using blog like as use announcement board that we use for many announcement in our school. By condition connect to internet, student should access materials, presentation, topic, chapter from their teachers.
By blog education, online learning or online teaching could be work. There are advantages of educational blog :
·         Posting materials for last session or the next session
·         Space for discus isues that corelation with materials
·         For educational games
·         Education news, scholars
·         Posting assignment
·         Place  to try give self opinion
·         Flexible learning
·         Different ways for learning style
·         Community development
So, the educational blog can be alternative media for learning process. Not only in the classroom we are learn but any time and any where we can learn.


Anonymous said...

wow... great refleksion, hehehe